Hoot mon! Join the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles for no-host cocktails in celebration of the centennial of this beloved iconic Scottish restaurant, the oldest in Los Angeles to be operated by the same family in the same location. It doesn't look quite like the photo above these days, but it retains all of its Old World charm. They also sell CC Brown's Hot Fudge!
In 1922 Walter Van de Kamp and Lawrence Frank, the founders of Van de Kamps Holland-Dutch Bakeries and the Lawry’s restaurant chain, commissioned architect and set designer Harry Oliver to build a storybook-style roadside restaurant. The restaurant opened as Montgomery's Country Inn. In 1925, the families renamed the restaurant Tam O'Shanter Inn after a beloved Robert Burns poem. (L.A. Conservancy)
For years, the restaurant was a favorite lunch spot for Walt Disney and his animators, and many Hollywood elite, including Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and John Wayne.
Step inside and you will find Scottish medieval weapons, crests, kilts, tartans, and Coat of Arms from floor to ceiling. You can order menu mainstays such as Toad in a Hole, homemade potato chips, and the classic prime rib dinner.
Cocktails in Historic Places® are no-host bar events, meet ups for members of the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles and those wishing to learn more about the organization. This is a free no-host event.
Vintage attire admired, but not required. For this one vintage Scottish attire, GREATLY admired!
Cocktails in Historic Places is a registered trademark of the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles.
Click below to learn more about the Tam O’Shanter, see the menu, and make reservations.