Volunteer with Art Deco Society of Los Angeles
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers help turn an ordinary day into an incomparable vintage adventure! Join the team of fun and creative individuals that make the magic happen!
Whether you like to take photos, greet event guests with a friendly smile, preserve buildings, give docent tours, help with the administration of events or have special knowledge about Jazz Age architecture, music, fashion fundraising or helpful professional relationships, we want to meet you! Our volunteer coordinator Janis Benn is standing by to invite you to our next volunteer orientation.
When you lend a hand to help realize our mission, you will inevitably make new friends, learn new skills and have a plenty of opportunities to "put on the Ritz!"
Unlike many organizations, there is no required number of hours that you have to work. But the more you work, the more fabulous experiences you will have!
We invite you to fill out our volunteer form, so we can become acquainted with your interests. If you want to help and don't know where to start, simply send us an email and we'll get a conversation going! Please use a subject line like "I want to be a greeter," "I'm interested in volunteer committees" or "have camera, will travel to 1930."
Once you complete the registration form, a representative of the organization will be in touch with you regarding a volunteer orientation meeting. If you have questions, please contact us.
Volunteers must be in good standing with the organization to register.
Volunteers check in and wristband guests at the Avalon Ball 2024. Photo: Jennifer Stockert.
We Welcome Volunteers to All of Our Committees
ADSLA is primarily an all volunteer organization. Whether you enjoy our elegant events, educational opportunities or making an impact through preservation advocacy, we have a place for you!
We also form committees for specific events, such as the Avalon Ball. Notices go out to all registered volunteers when a committee is forming.
Help plan our monthly Cocktails in Historic Places™! Do you pride yourself on your awareness of all the best gin joints in the greater Los Angeles area? You are perfect for a place on our CHP committee. This committee contacts bars to arrange our meetups, greets guests at the door and provides scintillating details about the historic space and the bar to market the event in advance.
The Fashion Committee creates programs and events that further our organization’s knowledge of Jazz Age fashion.
Our Membership Committee provides stellar customer service to our members, develops membership incentives and enacts outreach programs to engage new members.
Our Preservation Committee is actively involved in reclaiming history by researching and documenting Los Angeles' architectural treasures. We nominate properties for local landmark designation with the City of Los Angeles and hold events that raise awareness and funding for on-going restoration projects. We also keep on top of city ordinances and changes to zoning, attend hearings, write opinion letters with regard to historic preservation, exhibit at events such as LA as Subject’s Archives Bazaar and generally make our voice heard in matters relating to preservation advocacy in Los Angeles.
Through our Board and committees' teamwork, funds have been raised and donated to preserve Bullocks Wilshire, the Frank Lloyd Wright's Ennis House, the Egyptian Theatre and the Queen Mary, among other important historic buildings. Preservation never sleeps, so we welcome energetic new volunteers!