Collaboration & Cross Promotion Policy

Advertise Your Event

The Art Deco Society of Los Angeles is frequently asked if we can promote vintage-related events around town. We love that there are so many interesting options out there! We do offer various ways to reach our audience, if and only if, the event is set during the 1920s to 40s and if we have time on our calendar to promote an outside producer’s event. Once you read through this, please contact us with all of the information about your event if it meets our criteria for cross-promotion. Please read everything below before clicking the “pitch your event” button.

Here is what you need to know.

CROSS-PROMOTION: We engage in cross-promotion with event producers who also have a mailing list comparable to ours. Cross-promotion is promoting your event in exchange for promoting an ADSLA event to an equal number of people. And/or allowing ADSLA a presence at the event. This might include an ADSLA information table or a flyer in a gift bag.

This is generally limited to non-profits, educational institutions or professional organizations. If you don’t qualify, read on for more options.

DISCOUNT OFFER: We may accept a member discount on your event, in exchange for promoting it in a member eblast. The discount must be at least 15% off for tickets $49 or less. For events more than $50 we require a 30% discount (8/16/2024).

Your offer must be exclusive to ADSLA. There must be a code that can be distributed to ADSLA members in a private email and then used online. Purchases must be through the venue’s website or a secure ticketing system such as Eventbrite.

We do not engage in discount offers that:

  • Require members to purchase something other than the event ticket in order to get the discount

  • Give their personal information to a third party in order to obtain the discount code.

If your event is free, then you might want to look at a cross-promotion.

PAID PLACEMENT: With enough lead time, we can offer paid placement in our eblasts. Please contact us for more information.

REQUESTING A SILENT AUCTION ITEM FROM US: Please send us your auction packet at least three months prior to your event. We need to know exactly what you are requesting, what charity it benefits and when your auction will take place. We are usually short on event tickets for our members, so we are not able to offer auction items to all events. We can only donate to a few annually.


  • We do not offer cash sponsorships.

  • We only work with the venue or event producer. If you are a performer who is not also producing the event, please ask the event organizer to contact us.

  • We do not cross-promote or advertise events that are on the same date as an ADSLA event. Please check our event calendar before pitching your event to us.

  • We cannot consider any promotions that are not presented to us at least 5 weeks before the date of the event.

  • We cannot always take on a promotion. We have limited human resources to work on our own events. Sometimes we just don’t have the band-width.

  • You may only use our logo in the case of a cross-promotion that entails a partner sending out ADSLA event information to their list. If we enter into a cross-promotion agreement, it does not mean we are a sponsor of your event and our logo and name may not be used in your advertising and promotion under any circumstance.

  • If you wish to do a collaborative event, you can pitch that in the planning phase. We do not collaborate after an event is fully planned and scheduled.

  • We do not send dedicated paid eblasts. All sponsorship is contained in our ADSLA newsletter.

  • Producers must provide all event descriptions, a viable image to use for promotion, a discount code/link (as it applies), title of event, date, time, location, website URL to ticketing, parking and all other pertinent details. If all of the details are at one weblink, you can send that.

  • We do not hold auctions, so we are not accepting any donations at this time.

If we accept your event, here is what you need to send us:


Flappers Day Out

Thursday, December 20, 1928 | 8:00pm at the Monmarte Hollywood (6753 Hollywood Blvd.)

With Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra. Hosted by the Hollywood Ladies Auxiliary.

Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra will entertain Los Angeles ladies who like hot jazz at their tea parties during this ladies only luncheon hosted by Anita Page to raise money for the Vista Del Mar orphanage. All ladies will receive a white rose upon entry and will enjoy a chef prepared four course meal. Guest speakers will include Mary Pickford and Lillian Gish.

Tickets are $25. ADSLA member suggested discount, 50% off.

Parking is $10 in the lot next door.