Join the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles for no-host cocktails at La Grande Orange Café located at 260 S Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91105. in the historic 1934 train station. Outdoor dining is available.
All aboard for cocktails and dining in an informal meetup. Enjoy pizza in the Luggage Room or a Cocktail in the Otis Bar, without leaving the station! Once a thriving travel hub, many Hollywood stars passed through these doors.
No need to RSVP, just show up and join us for no-host cocktails or dinner.
Cocktails in Historic Places® are no-host bar events, meet ups for members of the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles and those wishing to learn more about the organization.
Vintage attire admired, but not required.
Cocktails in Historic Places is a registered trademark of the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles.